Following are the benefits a member can avail :
- Member name will be displayed in the list.
- You will get mails from ISSE regarding future activities, lectures , seminars , site visits etc.
- Members can login to the website and maintain their Profile details on the ISSE website.
- You will receive free copy of ISSE Quarterly Journal.
- You can attend the ISSE programmes and seminars at discounted rates.
- You will have down load access to all ISSE journals and standard certification forms.

Following are the instructions for login profile updation :

- We have already sent you your login ids to your email ids.
- If you dont have login id, go to home page of over the section of total visit in search window put your name & click on Search button.
- Put login id & unique password in login panel of the home page.
- Change the password clicking on Your Details from User Menu pannel.
- Go to Search Member Directory from Membership tap.
- Then search you profile and update your details by clicking on top Edit button.
- If you cannot getting your login and password then contact E-mail :