Advertise on our ISSE Website under Products, Consultants, Contractors.

Find rate table below :

For products Rs.2500 per year for members Rs.5000 for non-members
For consultants Rs.500 per year for members Rs.1000 for non-members
For Contractors Rs.2500 per year for members Rs.5000 for non-members
Job Vacancies Rs.200 for 3 months for members Rs.500 for non-members

Charges for advertisements in each issue (W. E. F. 01-04-06) :

ISSE Journal Advertisement Size Tariff Per Insertion
Back cover page (Colour) 170mm x 240mm Rs.20,000/-
Inside front cover page (Colour) 170mm x 240mm Rs.17,000/-
Inside back cover page (Colour) 170mm x 240mm Rs.17,000/-
Inner colour page 170mm x 240mm Rs.15,000/-
Inner B/W full page 190mm x 240mm Rs.7,000/-
Inner B/W half page 190mm x 120mm Rs.4,000/-

Note : 10% discount is offered for advance booking of colour advertisemen for 4 issues provided the entire payment is made in advance.